Ebooks from Signature Editions

Signature eBooks can be read on a computer or on a hand-held eReading device. When you download an eBook from this site, you will receive both the Mobi format for Amazon's Kindle, and the ePub format, which can be read on the majority of other eReading devices. The majority of these eBooks can also be purchased from major retailers like Kobo and Amazon.

The following titles are available as eBooks

All Pure Souls


All Pure Souls


And We Shall Have Snow


And We Shall Have Snow

Accessible Ebook. This Publication meets the requirements of the EPUB Accessibility specification with conformance to WCAG 2.0 Level AA. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page list, landmark, reading order, and structural navigation.


Another Spy for Paris


Another Spy for Paris

Accessible Ebook. This Publication meets the requirements of the EPUB Accessibility specification with conformance to WCAG 2.0 Level AA. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page list, landmark, reading order, and structural navigation.


Any Day Now


Any Day Now


Behold Things Beautiful


Behold Things Beautiful

Accessible Ebook. This Publication meets the requirements of the EPUB Accessibility specification with conformance to WCAG 2.0 Level AA. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page list, landmark, reading order, and structural navigation.


Body Work


Body Work

Accessible Ebook. This Publication meets the requirements of the EPUB Accessibility specification with conformance to WCAG 2.0 Level AA. This book contains various accessibility features such as alternative text for images, table of contents, page list, landmark, reading order, and structural navigation.






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