How To Purchase & Download eBooks from the Signature site

Please note the format the eBook is available in (ePub, Mobi) and ensure your reading device supports that format before purchasing. EBook downloads from Signature Editions include both ePub and Mobi formats. All eBooks from Signature Editions can be read on popular ereading devices which support the ePub or Mobi format and also on both Mac and Windows computers.

  •  1. Go to the main book page of the title you wish to purchase.
  •  2. Add the eBook option to your shopping cart and go to the checkout.
  •  3. Payment can be made with either PayPal or a credit card.
  • 4. Once the payment transaction is completed, you will receive an order # and a code, and you will be automatically redirected to the Signature web site — to a page that shows your transaction details.
  • 5. Click the Download button to download the ePub file to your device.
  • 6. Please take note of the instruction — "If you have purchased a digital book, please download it below. Do not close this page until you have downloaded all your purchased digital books." If you close the page before you complete the download, you cannot return to download at a later time.
  • 7. You will also receive an email that confirms your purchase.
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